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OCR: Exploring - (C:) File Edit View Tools Help 2 Desktop ibizaud 10 My Computer Exchange - 31 Floppy (A:) MSOffice za My Docume -- Gy bizaud MaProgram Files -Ga Exchange DIWindows $ @ MSOffice zjAutoexec.b00 -@ My Documents DAutoexec Command q-Ga Program Files @Config.b00 th-Ga Windows @ Config.win 6-9 (D:) Dblspace.bin 9-4 Sys on 'Alr' (F:) @ Drvspace.bin 0.5 Gig on 'Ar' (T:) # Neblog @ 5 632mb on 'Air' (U:) Scandisk.log $ 42 Sys on 'AIr (Y:] # 22 Sys on 'Air' (Z:) Sa Control Panel L ... @g Printers 87 Network Neighborhood - Entire Network @ Ar @ 632mb 4-Ca gig @ @ nw 10doc_a EH-GA Sys 由-E Zeos Recycle Bin @ My Briefcase Figure 3: Windows 95's Explorer lets you share drives and access shared drives. The Network Neighborhood provides easy access to both peer-to-peer and dedicated servers.